Your support enables a little girl to laugh again. Your support empowers a young boy to cope with his pain. Your support ensures a teen has a listening ear and guiding heart.
Your support means the world to an orphan in need.
YES! I want to give Israel war orphans the strength to smile.
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By “Adopting” An Orphan, You Can Provide Them The Safety Net They Need To Face Each Day Stronger.
Adopt an orphan for the coming year and receive:
Heartwarming updates on the orphan’s progress and milestones.
The ability to be a real part of their life as they become a part of yours; a whole new level of connection.
The knowledge that you have given an Israeli war orphan the support they need to heal, hope, and thrive.
Your Gift
$1,500/month for 12 months
By partnering with All Israel’s Children, your company demonstrates its strong commitment to making a tangible and lasting impact on the lives of those who are most vulnerable. Your partnership will help provide Israel’s war orphans with the essential mentorship, therapeutic care, and relief they need to laugh, dream, and hope again.
We Want To Invest In Changing The Lives Of Israel’s War Orphans
I'd like to spread this gift over 12 months.
This month's gift will be processed immediately. Beginning next month, the same amount will be processed on the date selected until the 12 months are complete.
Your gift is tax deductible and fully secure
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Thank you for supporting our mission, All Israel’s Children